The mission- hack HATs

Decentralized cybersecurity bounty network

1 min readJul 22, 2021


*** The $50K program ended— find the new one here ***

Hats.Finance is excited to announce the Hats Bug Bounty program on Rinkeby. This is a hacking competition for real funds. 50,000 USDC to be exact. We believe there is no better way to utilize your product than to use it yourself.

The goal is to incentivize responsible disclosure within the Hats protocol. Through this, we will be able to identify prospective bug bounty hunters while you can familiarize yourself with how Hats works.

In short, Hats is a decentralized cyber-security bounty network governed by its community of hackers, projects, and token holders operating as a decentralized protocol for proactive, smart contract protection.

Your mission is to hack the vault, Send us the transaction or a vulnerability description and you will be rewarded with up to 50k USDC according to the severities and terms mentioned on the Dapp. 🎩

Ready. Set. Go!




Hats.Finance a decentralized smart bug bounty marketplace. Permissionless, scalable, and open bug bounty protocol that allows anyone to provide liquidity.