Gamified Vaults: Play, Find, Get Paid
Hats Finance is introducing gamified vaults to the mix, allowing developers, white hats and security experts to test their Solidity abilities and earn a price. We decided to create these games with developer tooling in mind, as we believe this tool can be a great place for devs to play, connect and earn.
A Rewarding Test Ground:
As frequent as it happens, finding vulnerabilities is not an easy task. Auditors can search for months without finding a vulnerability. At Hats Finance we decentralize bug bounties while allowing white hat hackers to stay anonymous, communicate on-chain, and earn fair rewards.
The challenge is simple; every vault will contain at least one vulnerability, and it is your job to find the vulnerability. The first to get the flag by playing the smart contract game and describing the vulnerability wins the game on chain.
At the end of the challenge 10 winners will be announced, but only one winner will take a cash prize home. The first prize will win ~10,000 DAI and an NFT, the rest will get an NFT.
From the Hat of our Heart we Invite you to Join!
We believe you are the real hero of DeFi. Hats Finance is a tool that can help you highlight your skills and get rewarded for your hard work. We invite you to participate in these series of challenges and review our products.
Stay tuned for more updates!